Over the past few months, the COVID-19 vaccine has dominated news coverage and is at the forefront of the current administration’s agenda. In this recent legal alert, our employment team considers several important vaccination questions for employers to consider as they navigate the rapidly evolving issues that COVID-19 presents to the workplace.

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Join Hahn Loeser and our friends from Foundation Software for a complimentary four-part legal series for the construction industry on a range of important topics.  To register for each session, please click on the title of the topics below.

Session 1:  The Road Ahead for Contractors:  Predictions of What to Expect in 2021

Thursday, March

Members of our Construction Law Team joined forces with Suhas Shah, a partner with Intyllus Advisors for a three-part webinar series for the construction industry on critical topics of interest related to COVID-19.  If you missed any of our programs, you can watch the recordings and download the slides at the links below.

Part 1: 

Ivan Golden and Ann Knuth, attorneys at Hahn Loeser & Parks LLP, along with Suhas Shah, partner with Intyllus Advisors join together for this three-part complimentary webinar series to review important guidance for companies impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic. To join, please register for EACH webinar individually via the links provided below.

Part 1: Employment

The COVID-19 coronavirus is impacting every aspect of the economy, and construction will not be exempt.  Materials and deliveries may be slowed, crews quarantined and unavailable, and projects delayed.  We view COVID-19 as an event beyond the control of a party (an “act of G-d”), falling within the force majeure provision of most contracts.  Some

The EEOC’s September 30th deadline for all covered employers to submit pay data for 2017 and 2018 wage data is right around the corner. While some employers may have implemented data collection tools intended to meet this requirement when a revised EEO-1 report was released in October 2016, others delayed implementation after use of the revised EEO-1 report was halted and litigation ensued over the revised EEO-1 report. A court order issued earlier this year reinstituted the filing requirement for all covered employers.

Covered employers are those private employers who had 100 or more employees in a self-selected “snapshot period” between October 1st and December 31st of 2017 and who had 100 or more employees in a self-selected “snapshot period” between October 1st and December 31st of 2018. The self-selected “snapshot period” can be different periods for each year and can also be a different period than what was selected for the “snapshot period” for the EEO-1 Component 1 report (employee counts by race and ethnicity groups by gender and job category). Notably, federal contractors and subcontractors with 50 to 99 employees who are required to file annually EEO-1 Component 1 data are not required to file the Component 2 wage data.Continue Reading September 30th Wage Reporting Deadline Fast Approaching

The Ohio Department of Transportation recently announced significant changes to the On the Job Training Program (“OJT Program”) that will take effect on January 1, 2019.  Because these changes will impact on-going multi-year projects as well as new ODOT projects that will begin construction in 2019, all Ohio contractors are advised to review and familiarize themselves with the new changes.  The complete OJT Program manual is available on the ODOT website here.  The following is a brief summary of the major changes and how they will impact Ohio contractors in the years ahead.
Continue Reading New ODOT On-The-Job Training Rules Take Effect January 1, 2019